Find the nutrition plan perfect for you!

Our services


You are someone who has confidence in making food choices and creating your own meals but needs the accountability and help dialing numbers in for your current composition, goals, and activity.


  • Initial consult with your personal coach (booked in your consult)

  • Inside-out nutrition app with custom macros programmed in for you

  • Macro guides for protein, carb, and fat ideas

  • Weekly weight check-in and accountability

  • Bimonthly checkpoint with your coach reviewing weekly logs and journal logs

    $165 |  MONTHLY


You are someone new to nutrition and feeling overwhelmed by all the controversial information online. You want to learn what your body needs to manage health conditions, change weight up or down, or take performance to the next level. You need someone to come alongside you to educate and empower you.


  • Consult with your personal nutrition coach

  • Weekly check-in from your coach

  • Weekly journal log

  • Weekly sample day plan, planned according to macros and food preferences with all meals and snacks

  • Bimonthly zoom or phone calls for education and goal setting

  • Resources with educational materials, meals, and snacks

  • $245 |  MONTHLY


You are someone who has tried it all and is tired of not getting results. You want to be given a plan with all meals and snacks planned with foods you love. You want to feel great and change your body composition so you stop fight weight coming back up.

You want to be able to have access to a coach who cares about your progress and will not only help keep you accountable but adjust with all of life’s challenges.


-Consult with your personal nutrition coach

-Weekly check-in from your coach

-Bimonthly Zoom or phone calls with your coach for adjustments and progress and health markers

-Complete meal plan (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks written according to your food preferences, needs, and goals) provided in PDF, online, and app.

-Access to your coach for questions and encouragement at any point of the day

$500 |  MONTHLY  

Steps to starting:

  1. Review the three options to find the best match for your needs.

  2. Sign up under the “sign up today “ button under each category.

  3. You will receive an email confirmation that you have been enrolled in nutrition coaching and a link to schedule your initial consult and fill out an intake form.

    • Your intake form will help us pair you up with the perfect match for your personal nutrition coach so we ask you to take some time to fully fill out the intake form.

  4. Within three business days of signing up for nutrition coaching and receiving your intake form, you’ll receive your first week’s nutrition goals and guides to get you started before your consult.

  5. During your consult, your coach will get the chance to know you, review your goals, and overview your personal nutrition coaching experience based on your needs.

  6. After your consult, you will receive your plan-specific resources/meal plan/etc. within 3 business days.

  7. You’ll be on your way to start feeling great, loving your body, and reaching your goals!

“I truly enjoyed working with Hannah. She stayed positive, kept me motivated and worked with me through all my ups and downs. She helped jump start the transform of my body, but more importantly, she helped transform my way of thinking. I was scared of calories and carbs. I was scared to weigh myself. I was scared of change. Hannah showed me how to properly eat to fuel my body. I am still a work in progress, but I have never felt so strong mentally and physically and a huge part of that is because of Hannah”

— Amber

"I loved working with Hannah! She made everything so easy to understand and her recipes were amazing! I lost 12 lbs with her in 6 weeks! She really makes nutrition easy to understand and is awesome at holding you accountable! She's also always available for questions and help! Loved working with her and you will too!!"

— Spencer

"Getting out of track and loosing focus on your weight and eating habits it’s very easy. Getting back on track not so much. Or so I thought, because Hannah made it easy from the beginning. Following the meal plan she designed for me was easy, I think the reason is, because she always looks for new recipes and new ingredients so clients don’t get bored of eating the same food every day. The recipes are easy, delicious and fast to make. Thank you Hannah, for teaching me how to eat properly, and most importantly how to loose weight in a healthy way without compromising my health. Working with Hannah has truly been a please. Looking forward to keep working with her in the near future. I started this journey Jan 1st and as of today, March 13th I have lost 20 lbs. Taking a short break, but I’ll be back to crash more goals! 👊 "


"I started working with Hannah at the beginning of the year because I was in a rut and the number on the scale wasn't moving. In just a month I dropped around 5% body fat, but more importantly, I was back in the habit of fueling my body with whole and nutritious food. Hannah completely took the guesswork out of meals by planning around my likes and dislikes and busy schedule. It was so nice to be able to prep once a week without having to think about macros or fiber intake because Hannah had accounted for it all. Further, Hannah was wonderful at staying in touch with me and checking in. It was great to have her help me plan around events and insert the occasional cheat meal. Hannah's recipes were delicious and it made it so much easier to eat healthy when I was enjoying or even looking forward to meals. If you, too, are in rut and need someone to hold you accountable and take the guesswork out of meal prep I highly recommend Inside Out Nutrition."


"When I first started CrossFit I was on the “chicken and greens” diet. Literally, that is all I ate. I thought that was “the way” to slim down: eliminate carbs and cheese and all the good stuff. Yet I was working really hard every day and CrossFit was kicking my butt. I would kill myself working out 4 to 5 days a week but nothing was changing and my body remained the same. I was tired, lethargic, and losing muscle definition.

That’s when I spoke with Hannah.

She customized a meal plan to fit my lifestyle and took the guesswork out of the process. At first I thought this was going to be overwhelming – counting calories, eating dull foods and spending hours in the kitchen. But it’s so easy! And, man, did my taste buds get a wakeup call. The food is amazing! I even get ice cream, pizza and chocolate. I am not deprived in any way. Hannah is always there to support me and is quick to respond and accommodate on the fly.

Over the next few weeks I gained energy, slept better, and my performance levels increased, reaching new PRs week after week. I’ve leaned out and gained muscle definition. And within four months I’ve lost 20 pounds, 9% body fat and 20 inches. I’m now able to push myself harder than ever before. I’m back to living a fit, active lifestyle, and have mastered obstacles like Flat Iron and Picacho Peak, rock climbing in Colorado and running my first Spartan race. My journey is not over – I still have a ways to go, but my goal was to gain strength – both inside and out, and I’m definitely on that path! Bring on the next challenge!"-

— Karla

started CrossFit here at Sol almost 3 years ago (!!) and definitely had the “Eat whatever you want, it’s fine” mentality. I decided January of 2018 to really start being intentional about my diet and tried a few different things, but didn’t like cutting out entire food groups, and would either hit a wall or just have so little energy that I couldn’t make it to the gym for weeks at a time. Then I started working with Hannah in January of this year...and I’ve dropped 6% BF and over 20lbs! And still dropping! None of my clothes fit anymore! I actually have energy to do things! I wanted to quit in the first two weeks because learning to count macros felt so hard, but Hannah is a wonderful coach and I am so thankful for her help. Here’s to more Kodiak Cakes and Halo Top getting me through life. Maybe one day I will actually like eating vegetables too 😂 "


"In the past, I would eat well and do macros for a few months then get tired of it and stop. Or I would do Paleo and lose my muscle, I just couldn’t find a balance that worked for me. In January I decided to get back into my macros kick, I wanted to challenge myself to be the fittest I could this year. Instead, I was frustrated by not getting the results I wanted, on top of the fact I was always tired. That’s when I spoke with Hannah and she got me on her meal plan. Since February I have leaned out and gained muscle. The biggest change I have noticed is my energy level is through the roof,  and I am able to push harder than before. I am sold and could not be happier with my results."

— Megan

"I have learned invaluable lessons working with Hannah. I now have a true understanding of how to eat. I've tried many different diets and nothing ever seemed to give me long term results. Having a nutritionist who truly cares and teaches you how to eat is a completely different experience. I did a plan for 90 days and in the time have learned knowledge to carry me through life on my body type, macros, working out, calorie counts, measuring and cooking healthy food, and overcoming body issues where food was the enemy. I've lost a good amount of body fat and gained muscle!! I just took an amazing vacation over seas and had the best time because for once in my life... I understood food and could enjoy everything knowing what to put in my body. Thank you Hannah for making a positive impact on my life that I will carry with me forever! "


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.